Many of you may have seen the ‘SOLD OUT’ signs all over the GiveMeTap shop page. Not only are our best selling blue bottles out of stock, but also our silver bottles. We have many of you on our waiting list, hoping to be able to help us hydrate the world with your bottle purchase. Since it has been a couple of weeks since we’ve had this problem, we thought that we should keep you guys updated on what is going on at GMT HQ.
Firstly, do not worry! Our depletion of stock is not a bad sign, it is actually a great symbol of a pretty awesome month! Throughout August, many of you may have seen GiveMeTap posters while travelling up and down escalators on the London Underground. This was a result of an extensive marketing campaign across approximately 40 stations, in order to promote GiveMeTap.
This led to an amazing surge in sales across our website and during our GiveMeTap events in Central London. It also led to some unexpected partnerships with large and small companies across London, the UK and even Internationally. Things were pretty awesome. They still are.
This all now means that we are able to fund another water project in Ghana. It is all so very exciting to see all your purchases make such a difference [more news on that soon]. However, what it also means is that that our stock has depleted quite unexpectedly, leaving us with few bottles available.
As a small business, managing stock and inventory can provide quite a hefty challenge. There is an art to understanding when to buy stock and in what quantities - and this is an art we are yet to master with our limited resources. What we have realised, is that as we grow, managing this will be critical. Our next batch of bottles will be ready to order by mid-october, so watch this space!
We thought it was about time that we start sharing more of our journey as a start-up social enterprise with all of our GiveMeTappers. Everyday we are learning new things and developing the business. Thanks for supporting us on our journey to hydrate the World. Keep being awesome.
Sanum xx
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