With your wonderful support and purchases of GiveMeTap bottles, we have transformed the lives of 114 people by building a water pump in Chafulumira Village in Mchinkji District, Malawi. We collaborated with PumpAid to complete the water project so that we could bring a source of clean drinking water to 14 households:
- 14 men
- 14 women
- 30 boys
- 50 girls
- 6 orphans
We want to say a massive ‘Thank You!’ for all your continuous support. You have made a huge difference to these people’s lives by purchasing a GiveMeTap Bottle. We left Malawi with some very happy smiles behind and we can’t wait to see the impact that this clean water source will have on improving their lives.
The Problem
Malawi is a southeastern country in Africa with a population of just under 15 million people. The three core problems we identified in this area were:
- Many households were still using rivers and unprotected wells that were the source of waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea, typhoid, trachoma, scabies and cholera - for those of you that do not know, these are horrific diseases.
- 24% of children under the age of 5 were suffering from diarrhoeal diseases that are responsible for 18% of deaths in these children
- Each year, 9,100 children (under the age of 5) die from diarrhoea
The Elephant Pump

The completion of this project required key steps to ensure success: 1. planning and community mobilisation, 2. site preparation, 3. pump fabrication, 4. well preparation, 5. pump installation, 6. beneficiary training, 7. sanitation training 8. M+E.
To embed responsibility of managing the pump across the entire community, a local committee was created including both male and females on the board; Mark Zuly was appointed as Chairperson, Jenete George as vice Chairpreson, a secretary, vice secretary, treasurer and additional committee members. The role pump minder was assigned to Paul George. The responsibility of this committee is to maintain and fund to pay for minor repairs such as replacing ropes and washers.

The impact that a small 500ml bottle can have is truely remarkable, and we have you to thank for that. In the short time that GiveMeTap has been in existence, we’ve helped complete 3 water projects that has changed so many lives, and reduced hundreds of thousands of plastic bottles from going to landfill sites, while keeping your hydrated everywhere.
Grow the movment
To keep the GiveMeTap Movement growing, we need your help in spreading the word! Without your support, ideas wither and die. You can grow the movement in 2 simple ways
1. Share this story on Twitter and Facebook, and tell yours friends to “Join the GiveMeTap movement to help provide water to developing countries." Remember that for every two bottles that you buy, you will be providing one person with water for life - amazing isn’t it? We sure think so
2. Get a GiveMeTap bottle. A GiveMeTap bottle makes a wonderful Christmas stocking. Much better than giving someone another pair of socks!
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