I got the call

October 19, 2012

Last Sunday I decided that I was going to take the day off and spend time reflecting and thinking about my experiences and life in general (check out this interesting idea about goal setting). For my fellow entrepreneurs out there, I really do recommend scheduling yourself one day a week where you do no work - none at all - enjoy living, go out, meet with friends or simply read. I know it’s hard to take yourself away as I am always thinking about GiveMeTap, but taking that one day away from work gave me some great ideas and really recharged me. One of the ideas I had was a proposal for a new economic model for schooling, which I think would improve the way children are educated here in the UK. But an explanation of that idea is for another post. 

Back to the point of this post. So on Sunday, I was watching some inspirational video’s on TED which got me thinking back to one of aims of 2012. I had made a list of things that I wanted to achieve/experience during this year and one of them was to visit a TED event. The only thing is, I had not really been keeping an eye out for any of the event dates…silly, right?! 

But the other day I got a call from Daniel Vais. You may be wondering who is Daniel Vais? Well, he is the event organiser for TEDxYouth@Hackney and was ringing to invite me to their event. But what’s more is they want me to speak around the theme of ‘The Power of Young’. I am so honoured to have been asked to speak at a TEDx event and I will get to achieve another one of my aims this year.

The event is on the 17th November. It would be great to see some of you there.

Life is good.


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