If you had the chance to reduce the plastic waste and help people by just buying a reusable bottle, would you do it?
Pollution is a serious problem and with a visible rise in the effects of global climate change, it’s about time we take a stand and lead the way towards a more sustainable way of life. We at GiveMeTap, with your help, have decided to spearhead this movement towards a more green global environment! A single GiveMeTap bottle can be reused for years or even a lifetime, and unlike a plastic bottle, the effect on the earth is minimal.
Most of us know about the hazards of drinking dirty water such as dangerous diseases and viruses. Every day millions of people in Africa drink dirty water or have no access to water at all. This is why we created GiveMeTap. Together with our supporters and our partners we have already helped more than 3000 people get access to pure clean drinking water in Africa and made it more accessible for everyone in the UK to enjoy drinking tap water, for free when on the go.
Without the people that have supported us, this never could had been possible and we thank you for your support. By buying two GiveMeTap bottles you will give someone the opportunity to drink clean water for the rest of their life and reduce plastic waste.
Would you like to join our movement? Let’s unite to make sure everyone in the world has access to clean drinking water, and that our environment is protected for future generations.
Join us by following us on http://www.facebook.com/givemetap or http://www.twitter.com/givemetap. And to get the latest information about our work enter your email address on the form to the right of this post to join our mailing list.
Together we will change so much.
Feel Good, Look Good, Do Good.
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